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New ways of growing the future





Delphy (lead), The Salt Doctors, ICRA, L’Agence de la Vulgarisation et de la Formation Agricoles (AVFA),

Lycée sectorial de Formation Professionelle Agricole en agrumiculture et viticulture (LSFPAV) de Bouchérik.

This project is part of the Orange Knowledge Programme which is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign

Affairs and managed by Nuffic



November 2021 – May 2022
















In total, eight training modules have been developed which have been implemented both online as well

as on location.

The Salt Doctors focused on climate smart and saline agriculture in the open field, as well as the

development and implementation of an open field hydroponic system. 

Different aspects of crop salt tolerance, soil improving cropping systems as well as irrigation

management under saline conditions were covered during the classroom training sessions.


Salinity monitoring took place at three locations and salt tolerant crops were introduced in the field

and the performance was evaluated.


The open field hydroponic system was implemented at the location of LSFPAV and the performance

of cabbage, cauliflower and pak choi was evaluated and compared to the open field cultivation.


The first results show that the open field hydroponic system provided high yields for cabbage and

cauliflower (average of 1.6 and 1.4 kg per head) as well as pak choi.

Also, crops in the hydroponic system were harvested several weeks before the same varieties in the

open field were ready for harvest, providing additional market opportunities.

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Project description:

This project will promote agricultural growth and employment within the agricultural sector of Tunisia.

There is a clear gap between the knowledge and skills agricultural TVET graduates have, and the (practical) knowledge and skills jobs in the agricultural sector require.


By strengthening the capacities and knowledge of the TVET teachers, both in content (protected cultivation, hydroponics, climate smart and saline agriculture and entrepreneurial skills) and on knowledge transfer, the quality and employability of our graduates will be improved.


The training program incorporates climate smart, saline, innovative and novel forms of screenhouse and greenhouse cultivation, the use of hydroponics, interactive training and development of soft-skills. Entrepreneurial knowledge will be gained in order to promote students to develop their own businesses, which in the future will facilitate jobs for other graduates.

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